Exploring the Importance of Love and Affection✨✨
Did your parents raise you with a lot of love and affection when you were a child?
Or were your parents not very affectionate?
Many people around the world grow up without receiving sufficient love and affection from their parents due to various circumstances.
Research shows that whether a baby receives a lot of love and affection from their parents can significantly impact their brain and mental health in the future.✨✨
Studies have reported that children who receive ample care from their mothers during early childhood have better emotional resilience and recovery after emotional disturbances. On the other hand, if a mother experiences poverty, substance abuse, or depression, and thus provides insufficient care, the child may grow up with lower stress tolerance and reduced hippocampal function, affecting memory and leading to long-term mental health issues.
Experiments with rats have shown that separating baby rats from their mothers for just 15 minutes and then reuniting them increased the maternal care, resulting in more neurons in the brain, better stress responses, and faster recovery from depression-like symptoms.
This implies that in humans, insufficient parental care during childhood can lead to lower stress resilience and reduced hippocampal function in adulthood, making individuals more prone to depression and other mental health issues. Children raised in poor family environments often experience high chronic stress levels and are more likely to exhibit problematic behaviors.
Additionally, with the advent of smartphones, some parents tend to look at their phones while caring for their children. Children seek responses from their parents, and when parents are distracted by their phones, the frequency of parent-child interactions decreases. This can lead to lower language abilities, reduced joint attention, and potentially lower academic performance in the future.
Therefore, it is advisable for parents to minimize smartphone use and increase physical interactions with their children. Increased physical contact and attention can enhance a child’s mental resilience, language abilities, and overall calmness.
What do you think about this?✨✨
Thank you for reading. Have a great day!✨✨
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